Hal Incandenza
- It's weird how I connect with DFW as a person through Hal Incandenza. 99.999% of people have no interest of accumulating all knowledge of mankind, all of these people don't have a Hal Incandenza inside themselves, and it's crazy that DFW also has a "Hal's urge" in him, and he wrote a book about it, and the main revelation even though it's highly tempting to become Hal, it's not worth it all KKKKKKKKKK. But of couse I exagerated everyone has some degree of Hal in themselves
- In the very first chapter we can see how autistic he really is, by the fact that he display/shows infinite knowledge, I love the fact that he has summarized all of the dictionary
- This guy is crazy, he must be autistic or at least he over rationalizes everything, here is a quote from the book: “A coisa toda foi de pesadelo. Eu simplesmente não conseguia sacar o que o cara queria. Eu fui lá e devorei a seção de luto da biblioteca da Copley Square. Não em disco. Livros mesmo. Eu li a Kübler-Ross, o Hinton. Gramei com o Kastenbaum e Kastenbaum. Eu li coisas como Sete escolhas: Dando os passos para uma vida nova depois de perder uma pessoa amada, 84 que eram 352 páginas de babação total. Eu voltei e exibi os sintomas clássicos da negação, barganha, raiva, mais denegação ainda, depressão. Eu listei as minhas sete escolhas clássicas e vacilei plausivelmente entre e em meio a elas. Eu ofereci dados etimológicos da palavra aceitação que voltavam no inglês até Wyclif e no limite até o francês languedocien do século XIV. E o terapeuta de luto nadinha"
- "as suas estatisticas de erros nao forcados parecem um erro decimal"
- "Três adversários diferentes nos últimos meses tiveram que receber oxigênio nos tempos de descanso"
- ele com 17 anos eh considerado o quarto melhor tenista do mundo
- Like most young people genetically hard-wired for a secret drug problem, Hal Incandenza also has severe compulsion-issues around nicotine and sugar
Post modern philosophy
- Can all knowlege be reduced to a formal language?, If that's true then a good candidate to achieve all knoweldge would be someone that has memorirzed all of the english dictionary
- Wittgenstein said "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world", therefore if you have full understanding of the limits of language you could in theory understand everything we could possibly understand the world
- The epistemology of the middle age is that something was true or not based on argument of authority, as humanity moved forward we passed through renassaince and englightment, and we started to shift our knowledge to be more grounded through reasoning, which in some ways are just more formal methods of establishing truth. If we keep moving forward in this direction, the end would be us creating a set of axioms about reality through language, and all of the questions about reality could be resolved through applying the rule of this language, basically we would do to reality what Betrand Russel did to Math.
- Even though he has a good score on all of the englightment values, he is lacking what makes us human, which deeply shows a big problem with modern society is the fact that rationality is distanting us from our own humanity
- This dialogues with OK Computer because it's an album that takes a lot of western music and replaces humanity in their songs by rationality
- Imagine playing tennis to a guy that is fucking your Mom, that is so like unique, weird and angry, it's just such a wide range of emotions
- Hypotonia is a state of low muscle tone[1] (the amount of tension or resistance to stretch in a muscle), often involving reduced muscle strength.
- Physical deformities
- Something similar to cerebral paralisy
Commentary on society's [Jean Jacques Rosseau]
- It's interesting because the fact that he is deficient separates him from society, and that's why he is the less broken character in the book. Which is an allusion to Jean Jacques Rosseau idea that society corrupts men.
- It's very beautiful the interactions he has with Hal, specially how stupid he is, it's also funny, for example the scene where Hal is trying to sleep but Mario doesn't him do so (chapter 7)
- He is fanatic about listener/observer
- Enfim, a gestação incompleta e o parto aracnoidal de Mario II deixaram o menino com
certos desafios físicos vitalícios e formadores-de-caráter. O tamanho era um deles, sendo que ele na sexta série era mais ou menos do tamanho de um bebê e com dezoito ou + estava numa escala mais ou menos entre a dos elfos e a dos jóqueis.
- corpo inclinado bem para a
frente como que contra o vento, bem no limite de cair de cara no chão, o que quando criança ele fazia com alguma frequência, tivesse ou não levado um empurrãozinho do seu irmão Orin. As constantes quedas para a frente ajudam a explicar por que o nariz de Mario era severamente amassado e consequentemente se abria para os dois lados do rosto mas não se erguia do plano da face
- It took the bradykinetic Mario all night and two bottles of Ajax Plus to clean the room with his tiny contractured arms and square feet; the 18's girls in the rooms on either side could hear him falling around in there and picking himself up, again and again; and the finally spotless room in question had been locked ever since
Addicted to sex
- One of the possible reasons behind his addiction is the fact that he had incest with his mother when he was younger
- Placing this scene here highlights whom Avril’s trying to call and illustrates her strained relationship with Orin. Orin calls Hal in the next scene, but for Avril to find anything out about Orin, she has to call her son’s interviewer for information.
Orin's role with Infinite Jest
- It’s too late because someone got there first and took the anti-Entertainment cartridge (126) embedded in JOI’s head (31). Whoever took it is presumably the person who’s made and mailed the extant copies. It couldn’t be the A.F.R. or O.U.S. or they wouldn’t still be searching for it. It probably wasn’t the F.L.Q. because they didn’t know how to read master cartridges—they just thought they were blank tapes in their displays were blank. (483n205) It couldn’t be Avril acting alone; she has problems but she’s not that kind of cold-blooded killer. It had to have been Orin.1
- After the A.F.R. releases roaches into his giant glass tumbler, Orin cuts a deal with the A.F.R. and gives them the tape in return for letting him live. (He’s apparently still alive on p. 14.) The A.F.R. uses the tape to set off some sort of intracontinental conflagaration (16: “some sort of ultra-mach fighter too high overhead to hear slices the sky from south to north”) which apparently topples the Gentle administration (n114: “[Y.G. is] the very last year of Subsidized Time”).
“Sr. Incandenza, aqui quem fala é a Comissão de Esgoto de Enfield, e para lhe dizer com franqueza a gente acha que já chega de fazer merda aí.” “Oi, Orin.”
- I am not sure if he is a terrible guy, but he acts like one, in fact he ignores completley his brother and even after his father killed himself he didn't go to the funeral. He clearly runs a lot from his inner problems
- Schtitt supôs que
Orin tinha dado acidentalmente com uma maneira, naquele jogo americano grotescamente físico e territorial, de legitimar a mesma dependência do único golpe de lob que tinha evitado que ele desenvolvesse a coragem de desenvolver suas áreas mais fracas, que essa indisposição de arriscar um fracasso e uma fraqueza temporários em nome de ganhos de longo prazo tinha sido o verdadeiro herbicida na cenoura do tênis de Orin Incandenza. Puberdade o Kassett, no que se refere ao verdadeiro motivo de se apagar a chama interior do tênis, Schtitt sabia. Os comentários de Schtitt foram recebidos com vigorosos acenos de cabeça e amplamente ignorados na sala de vídeo. Schtitt depois disse a deLint que tinha vários maus pressentimentos sobre o futuro de Orin por dentro.
- Orin had exited his own substance-phase about the time he discovered sex
Jim Incandenza
- James was a tall and awkward alcoholic, yet still managed to marry Avril
- He escapes from multiple failures in life, such as his wife infidelity, tennis failure by producing movies in cartridges
- He is another flash in the pan of this book, a man that had a groomy alduthood for the lack of success and purpose
- PhD in optical physics
- Changes the microwave to work with the door open
- Kills himself by putting his head in the microwave
Son relationships
- Hal chokes every time he tries to speak to him. Which is very relatable to me, as if we are kinda close to our parents but nevery fully speak to them.
- one night Mario, leaning way forward
into the police lock's support, drifted awake to the sound of his father saying that if he had to grade his marriage he'd give it a C
- "Como a maioria dos casamentos, o de Avril com o falecido James Icandenza foi o produto final da conformidade com a conecssao"
- [JIM speaking] My father acted, throughout our time in California, as both symbol and spokesman for the Glad F.P.R. Co.'s Individual
Sandwich Bag Division. He was the first of two actors to portray the Man from Glad. He was inserted several times a month in a mock-up of a car interior, where he would be filmed in a tight trans-windshield shot receiving an emergency radio summons to some household that was having a portable-food-storage problem
- His father passed his own disturbs to its children
pelo visto eh um cara alto
we can see that a high level of sadness related to achievement is in the Icandenza family for a really long time, which feels like a curse, which is appropriate because any sadness related to achievement feels like a curse
- [The Joke] That is, until the lights went down and the film started up and what was on the wide public screen was just a wide-angled binoculated shot of this very art-film theater's audience filing in with espressos and finding seats and sitting down and looking around and getting adjusted and saying knowledgeable little premovie things to their thick-lensed dates about what the Don't-Pay-To-See-This ad and Bolex cameras probably signified, artistically, and settling in as the lights dimmed and facing the screen (i.e. now themselves, it turns out) with the coolly excited smiles of highbrow-entertainment expectation, smiles which the cameras and screen's projection
- [Infinite Jest] he created as a last try to have a conversation with Hal
- Mario once said "How come the Moms never cried when Himself passed away? I cried, and you, eve C.T. cried. I saw him personally cry.'
- she abandoned MIT
- she is from a very small town called Le'Islet in Quebec, like super small
- ele não só aceitava
plenamente o estresse e o ressentimento, mas disse que tinha trabalhado duro e continuaria, à sua maneira calma, calada e nada romântica, a trabalhar duro para se manter aberto a isso, a esse ressentimento e a essa sensação de perda e insubstituibilidade
- provavelmente, mario eh filho dele, porque filhos de irmaos sao mais provaveis terem deficiencia
- For Hal, the general deal with his maternal uncle is that Tavis is terribly shy around people and tries to hide it by being very
open and expansive and wordy and bluff, and that it's excruciating to be around.
- Avril said she'd watch
him just kind of drift from cluster to cluster and lurk around creepily on the fringe, listening, but that he'd always say, loudly, in some lull in the group's conversation, something like 'I'm afraid I'm far too self-conscious really to join in here, so I'm just going to lurk creepily at the fringe and listen, if that's all right, just so you know,' and so on.
- Like many gifted bureaucrats, Hal's mother's adoptive brother Charles Tavis is physically small in a way that seems less
endocrine than perspectival. His smallness resembles the smallness of something that's farther away from you than it wants to be, plus is receding.
- His maternal uncle's hair was straight and very precisely combed over, and his little
mustache was never quite symmetrical. One eye was also set at a slightly different angle than the other, so that besides holding his hand up to scan
- He seems to be disturbed, but why
- The bulk of
the call for Tavis's rolling head had come, he'd tell you, when the cameraman in charge of the SkyDome's Instant-Replay-Video Scoreboard, d ltant multi-limbed coital images up onto the 75-meter Scoreboard screen, etc. Sometimes in slow motion and with multiple replays, etc. Tavis will admit his reluctance to talk about it, still, after all this time. He'll confess that his usual former-careersummary is to say just that he'd specialized in athletic venues that could safely and comfortably seat enormous numbers of live spectators, and that the market for his services had bottomed out as more and more events were designed for cartridgedissemination and private home-viewing, which he'll point out is not technically untrue so much as just not entirely open and forthcoming.
Michael Pemulis
- ele eh um cara muito casca grossa de Allston, MA uma regiao pobre de Massachussets de descendencia irlandesa
- mas que o Schtit diz que ele eh o unico jgovm aqui agora que sabe verdadeiramente o que quer dizer ter punch no voleio. Isso mostra como ele sabe ser agressivo
- Ele eh muito vivido, ja passou por maus bocdados na vida, alem de ser um traficante, por exemplo quando ele sempre olha para os dois lados antes de falar
- ele eh durao, mas tem um sweetspot: o pró-reitor Aubrey deLint diz (publicamente) que ver M. Pemulis em treino v. ver M. Pemulis num jogo de verdade que represente alguma coisa é como conhecer uma menina por e-mail assim tipo por correspondência via e-mail-de-teclado e se apaixonar perdidamente por ela e aí por fim conhecê-la pessoalmente e descobrir que ela tem tipo só um seio enorme bem no meio do peito ou algo assim.
"O verdadeiro oponente, a fronteira envolvente, é o próprio jogador. Sempre e apenas o eu lá fora, na quadra, para ser enfrentado, combatido, trazido à mesa para acertar os termos. O garoto competidor do outro lado da rede: ele não é o inimigo: ele é mais o parceiro da dança. Ele é a desculpa ou ocasião para se encontrar consigo mesmo."
Ennet House
Anthithesis of Hal
- Hal is smart, Gately is dum
- Gately couldn't follow career in football, because he couldn't get a D in English
- Whenever Gately is ascending his mental state, Hal is descending
- Hal has every possible reason to be happy, whereas Don has every possible reaosn to be unhappy
- [VERY SIMILAR TO MANCHESTER BY THE SEA] There's human waste in the showers on a daily
fucking basis. Stavros lets him attach an industrial hose to a nozzle and spray the worst of the shit away from a distance before Gately has to go in there with his mop and brushes and solvents, and his mask.
- They neglect to tell you that after the urge to get high magically vanishes and you've been Substanceless for maybe six or
eight months, you'll begin to start to 'Get In Touch' with why it was that you used Substances in the first place
- Don's
like organic father had been an Estonian immigrant, a wrought-iron worker, which is like sort of a welder with ambition. He'd broken Gately's mother's jaw and left Boston when Gately was in his mother's stomach. Gately had no brothers or sisters. His mother was subsequently involved with a live-in lover, a former Navy M.P. who used to beat her up on a regular schedule, hitting her in the vicinities between groin and breast so that nothing showed.
- He didn't want her to become addicted to alcohol, so when his mom would pass out, he would drink her vodka, and then he became addicted to at age 9 because of that
- At twenty-four he'd done 17 months at Billerica for assaulting two
bouncers in a nightclub — it was more like he'd beaten the second bouncer bloody with the unconscious body of the first — and he knew quite well he could get by in a Commonwealth lockdown. He was too big to fuck or fuck with and not interested in fucking with anyone else: he did his time stand-up and gave nobody any provoking cause; and when the first couple hard guys had come after him for his canteen cigarettes he'd laughed it off with ferocious jolliness, and when they came back a second time Gately beat them half to death in the corridor behind the weight room where he could be sure plenty of other guys could hear it, and after that one incident was out of the way he could simply get by and not get fucked with
Drug stories
- 'I tell you, what still gets me is we was so drunk we didn't even somehow take it seriously, because everything seemed like a movie when I got real drunk. I still wish we'd thought to take him to the hospital right away. We could of piled him in. He wasn't
dead yet even though he arou ound in circles like some kind of O.D., thought if we could keep him walking til the wagon came he'd ink then he was dead. Blood all over everybody. The gun wasn't more than an old lking-him-around idea into our head d trying to put her stockings on and we're yelling to the guy that' e and he w e this. This is the best window. But you learned a lesson.’ at time.’ of their legs shorter than the other?’ ere each leg was shorter than the other.’ han it?’ us on. He said the point was an AA point, that it defied sense and explaining and you just had to accept it on faith at creepy Randy guy with the white wig was backing him up with a very straight face. McDade said she walked like a metr ing fun of us, but I still thought it was funny.’ e.’ 's really interface if you're in here. How come with the veil?’ ars in.’ eformed? It's nothing that sticks way out, an say it. Are you, like, missing something?’ ng, for Varying Lengths. The sked Pat and Tommy S. and still the thing I don't get is why join a fellowship just to hide? I can see if somebody is li w, hideously — and they've been hiding away in the dark all their life, and they want to Come In and join a fello al and everybody can Identify because they all spent their whole life hiding also, and you join a fello s that the urge to hide is offset by a giga ve, you crave connection and society, you know intellectually that you' when you talk about this shit.’ u hide your deep need to hide, and you do this out of the need to appear to other people as if you have the stren nd. We all walked him ar be OK. By the end we was dragging him, I th .25. People was yelling at us to pile him in and take him to the hospital, but we'd got this wa s, to hold him up and walk him in circles, the girl's screaming an d shot him how we were going to off with his map and so on and so forth, till the keep called an ambulance and they cam as dead as a stick.’
Home invasion
- During a violent home invasion, Gately is seriously injured but refuses narcotic painkillers to maintain his sobriety. His decision underscores his commitment to recovery, despite the immense physical pain.
- he is the one interested in Tattoo
Joelle van Dyne
- Madame Psicose
- Genius
- An argument that intelligent people can get addicted as well
- Film Studies PhD program at MIT
- Prettiest girl of all time
- 'In other words you hide your hiding. And you do this out of shame.
- 'Well Mr. Gately what people don't get about being hideously or improbably deformed is that the urge to hide is offset by a gigantic sense of shame about your urge to hide
- U.H.I.D supports in our decision to hide openly
- Her father that works with chemicals admits that is attracted to her all daughter
- Her mother tries to throw chemicals at her father, and end up hitting her instead, making her disformed.
- "Uma vez no ano passado Madame Psicose fez o engenheiro estagiario escrever o processo de transformar num laboratorio domestico o po de oxido de uranio n bom e velho e fissionavel U-235. Ai ele leu o texto no ar entre um poema de Braka e uma analise de tatica de defesa dos steelers"
Kentucky (past)
- 'I saw an old boy cut his hand off with a chainsaw cutting back brush back of the Cumberland when I was fishing with my
Daddy. Like to have bled to death right there. My Daddy had to use his belt. Before he got it tied off the blood came like that, with the pulse. My Daddy got him to the hospital in his car, like to saved his life. He'd had some training. He could save lives like that.’
- Joelle foi a única amante de Orin Incandenza por
vinte e seis meses e a amada óptica do pai dele por vinte e um
- In this passage, several seemingly disparate aspects of the narrative are braided together. As someone with links to Boston, drugs, mental illness, filmmaking, M.I.T., and the Incandenza family, Joelle is at the intersection of many different parts of the world of the book, some of which overlap only through her.
Bruce Green
Depending on one’s perspective, Bruce and Mildred are either living a dream or a nightmare. Bruce’s childhood crush on Mildred means that their life together is something of a “happily ever after,” as emphasized by the phrase “one big party.” At the same time, they are also high school dropouts, teen parents, and drug users—all identities generally condemned by society.
Kate Gompert
Tennis player
- 4 suicide attempts in 3 years
Honest deciption on medicalization of depression
- A maneira como ela balançou a cabeça de repente foi veemente, exasperada. 'O sentimento é o motivo pelo qual eu quero. O sentimento é a razão pela qual quero morrer. Estou aqui porque quero morrer. Por isso estou num quarto sem janelas e com gaiolas sobre as lâmpadas e sem fechadura na porta do banheiro. Por que levaram meus cadarços e meu cinto. Mas noto que eles não tiram o sentimento, não é?
Reasonable person
- Marathe's wife had been in an irreversible coma for fourteen months. Marathe was able to refresh himself without quite sleeping. It was not a state of fugue or neural relaxation, but a type of detachment. He had learned this in the months after losing his legs to a U.S.A. train.
- Marathe's wife is born with a common side-effect of proximity to the Great Concavity, which is not having a skull, which explains his hate for capitalism and U.S.A
Only characters with true purpose
- Marathe and the other A.F.R. members are some of the only characters who have a clear sense of purpose in life outside of the pursuit of hedonism.
Near midnight Steeply had given him the datum that he had been on the personal Marital Leave over his recent divoce